Hi everybody!

The best when it’s hot…. play in the pool and so cool to follow our adventures in Australia.
We also had a great time with our aquatic gymkhanas.
Yesterday we enjoyed the swimming-pool a lot and when it was hot we went to the cinema…. and very fresh!!!!!
Also there was time to play all together…and we love it!

Do you know the tale of the crocodile Rufino and his friend the koala? it is very funny!!

Our crafts are going to be super!!
Koalas, turtles, cocodriles…

También jugamos a nuestro » Trivi-Agus» con curiosidades acerca de Australia y un juego de pistas muy chulo con mensaje cifrado … ¿Sabes que en Australia hay animales enormes?que nos lo digan a los peques!!

We also have time to make our mural all together.

Y aún nos quedan sorpresas por descubrir!

Bye- bye!



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