Semana 24-28 de Junio


Hola Familias!!! Superada esta primera semana de aventuras detectivescas, con nuestros detectives particulares López&López. Nuestros chicos/as de primaria han hecho de investigadores, resolviendo los juegos planteados por los monitores, algunos

Día 28 de Junio


Hello again, families!!! Our first week is already finished, and we have had a lot of fun!! These days, we have played with water and we have enjoyed it so

Día 28 de Junio


Hello families! We finished this first week of mystery. We are the CATA-detectives!!! We had time to solve «The case of the missing Marquis», some crafts and enjoy water games….

Día 25 de Junio


Hello, families!!! School has finished, and that’s why we’ve returned one more year!! Azytur Team is prepared to have fun during all this summer, and we will entertain all your

Día 25 de Junio


Hi everybody!! Welcome to our summer of intrigue, become detectives and help Cata and Lina and solve mysteries together. This first week we will discover together with Enola Holmes the

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